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Q&A Autumn 2023 - Click Here

1. Why the Changes?

We are constantly trying to improve what we offer and having listened to your feedback we believe the time is right.

2. What’s New?

We want to offer our adults and juniors better value by ensuring a coach is on hand to help at each step 🪜

Social Tennis saw a coach set matches only, now we will be on hand to help the player learn the tactical side of the game - Match Practice.

Men's and Ladies Matchplay saw a coach set matches only. Now all matches are the best of 3 sets and the coach will observe and listen to any feedback - Matchplay.

3. What are the Costs?

If you’re already a member your new status as a Team Subscriber entitles you to at least one term of either Match Practice or Matchplay.

If you’d rather pay term by term instead of by Team Subscription you can do so.

4. What about Group Coaching?

This is still the bedrock of our program.

Throughout the year we will recommend based on feedback at Match Practice and Matchplay the right time to move to the next level of group coaching.

5. How do I Book?

All options can be booked under the ladder 🪜 tab.

We are currently reaching out to recommend which of the steps we suggest fits best and of course listen to your feedback.

If you’re looking to attend Match Practice or Matchplay as a Team subscriber please contact us directly.

6. What if I’m happy just playing with friends and family?

You can still do so. Head over to the 🙋‍♀️🙋 tab where you can book a court or pop into family social.

We understand that there are many tennis clubs to choose from but unlike others at Lc one of the coaching team is always on hand to help.

We started as an academy first and foremost and so our goal is to create a space where every feels looked after and given a chance to improve.

We look forward to hearing from you,



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